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hello! Welcome to Heng Ying Adhesive Co., Ltd.!

Heng Ying Adhesive Co., Ltd.CNHYBOND ADHESIVEManufacturers of adhesives and tape primer

Whatsapp: 0086-13669875810

Keywords: adhesivetape prime

Contact Us

Mobile phone:13669875810

Mail:[email protected]

ADD:si ma industry zone,chang ping town,dong guan city,china

Location:Home>Company Profile

 Heng Ying Adhesive Co., Ltd. Is a foreign-owned enteprise specialized in the R&D manufacture  and sales of adhesives and tape primer,consisting of various branches and factores

 The company has established labs in china, the US and the EU,we have vast experience of more than on decade and acquired expertise in our domain, we have a skilled workforce along with the ultra modern machinery ,which makes us enable to effectively serve the vital adhesion requirements of different industries, The company  can annually produced 5000 tons adhesive  and prmer

   We are an ISO9001:2000 certified manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of tough and durable adhesive, our products are environmentally friendly adhesive that have been approved by ROHS,and have been widely used in Europe,the USA and the southeast asia Middle East ,Africa etc

Product  List:

1: 944 primer  ,

2:945 Halogen tape primer , 945 adhesion promoter ,

3:946 primer , adhesion promoter ( 

4:947 primer , a tackifier ( pressure-sensitive mainly to improve water adhesion on various substrates coated )

5:948 primer , adhesion promoter 

6:952 primer , adhesion promoter 

7:770 posted double-sided adhesive silicone rubber treatment agent

8:771 rubber processing agents

9 : debonder and mover of  tape

10 : anaerobic glue , cyanoacrylate glue s ,UV adhesive (glue),silicone sealant,

CA primer,  debonder (mover) for CA, Activator for CA